Your Best Bet
Is The Vetacular Vet!



-Vetacular Vet
-Vet on the Net
-Ernie and Friends
-Yooki Adventures


---New Vetacular Vet Comic! Check it out!

---The Vetacular Vet is now open for business! Welcome folks. This site has been made to gather together a bunch of loose ends and comics I've done into one place on the internet. Many people have asked if Vet on the Net will ever update, but little do they know, it has been. The stuff has just been all over the place though. So now, with this site, I should be able to keep track of all of it. Look around, and enjoy.
   Check out the information section for more information.

The Vetacular Vet wishes to thank the keentastic Keenspace for it's generous donations.
Pretty pictures drawn by Michael.